
(The English follows the Chinese.)

美加華人浸信會聯會(CBF)的雙年會於上星期在洛杉磯國語浸信會舉行。本學院在那裡正式成為CBF的事工,在攤位上傳遞海報和小冊子,在程序中發佈學校的消息。在提摩太后書 1-8 章的講道中,本人還借機做了小小宣傳。總的來說,教會領袖學院的消息很受歡迎。


2024年秋季學期在本週二正式開始,包括5 門預先錄影科目和 3 門 Zoom 科目,列在這裡:

新入學的學員必須被 ADVANCE 課程錄取,才能賺取證書或文憑的學分。申請表格在這裡:

本學院的課程將會透過ChineseBaptist.School「網上日日學平台」提供。任何ADVANCE中心的學員及其他非ADVANCE學員人士均可在那裏修讀本學院的課程。所有科目的頭三課可以免費試讀。本學院學費為每學分$60,但美加華人浸信會聯會所屬教會的會員可以在本年的秋季課程享受每科目$60 的折扣(支付2個學分費用獲得3個學分)。如果有興趣取得優惠券代碼,請與本人聯絡(gideon.lee@cbfusacanada.org)。請在電子郵件中提及您所屬的教會。


華人浸信會教會領袖學院 主任

The Chinese Baptist Fellowship US-Canada Biennial Conference was held this past week at the Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles. CBSCL is officially launched as a ministry of CBF there. We passed many copies of our poster and brochure at our booth. We had an opportunity to announce the school at the Chinese track. I also slipped in a promotion in my expository message on 2 Timothy 1-8. Overall, the news of CBSCL is well received.

As part of this launch, we prepared a video of testimonies featuring students and instructors from the ADVANCE centers of Crosspoint Church and Truth Seminary. You can watch the video here:

Our 2024 Fall term begins officially this coming Tuesday. This term, we are offering 5 recorded courses and 3 Zoom courses. They are listed here:

Students must be admitted to the ADVANCE program to earn credits towards a certificate or diploma. The application form is here:

CBSCL courses are delivered via the ChineseBaptist.School platform. Both ADVANCE students and others can enroll themselves into CBSCL courses there. Currently, the CBSCL tuition is set at $60/credit. However, if you attend a member church of the CBF US-Canda, there is an Fall discount of $60 per course (pay for 2 credits to get 3 credits). Please contact me at gideon.lee@cbfusacanada.org if you are interested in obtaining the coupon code. Please mention your church affiliation in your email.

Rev. Gideon Lee

Director, CBSCL

By admin